Our Products

Voce - Private Chat Server

Personal cloud private social media. Now supporting Matrix Protocal and Solid WebID.

Everyone should have their private "home" on the internet. Invited only!


Bridger: Customer Service with Discord and Slack

Want to add a chat widget on your site and talk to your customers? Reply within slack or discord by yourself or by your AI.

Bridge Slack or Discord to your own site.


GenUI: NextGen Cross-platform UI Framework

From declarative UI to generative UI.

GenUI is an innovative SFP front-end framework developed in the Rust language, inspired by Vue3 and based on Makepad.


Webrowse: Collaborative Browsing SDK

Cloud browser for your team.

Browser as a component to be integrated in your app.


Our Vision

Why we think Web 3.0 differently.

Web 3.0 is not just about blockchain, it's about decentralziation, i.e., de-platformazation.

If Web 1.0 granted netizens the right to view online content, and Web 2.0 has given netizens the right to publish in a participatory manner, Web 3.0 will go one step further and give netizens personal storage and personal computation.

And we are building that computing layer by wrapping features into components that everyone can host privately on their server with one-click.

What are our next steps?

  • IM features that supports private hosting.
  • Co-browsing feature that makes the Web a collaborative space.
  • Personal cloud OS with social components.

Interested in investing in or joining us?

We are a global team working remotely with an inclusive culture, if you are interested in our mission and would like to contribute to Privoce, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:
